Tuesday, December 11, 2012

In Being Santa Claus

Santa Claus is real through each and every one of us. I remember when I was growing up, my parents never fail to put a gift on our socks. Every year, they never fail to surprise us (although we always expect it anyway) with gifts from Santa Claus. One year, I can still recall, our local church had a project that the parents can have their gifts delivered to us by a Santa Claus riding on top of a Jeepney. I was in grade school, and even if I kind of understand that he was not the real Santa Claus, I was happy that he came to our house. In fact, I was very very happy.

Now, why am I telling you about this? Because we all need to believe in something. There is something magical in Christmas. This is a season of miracles and love and generosity. This is a holiday filled with belief. Children should always have something to believe in, because if we don't believe in something at a young age, how can we believe that something is possible when we get older. 

As young children, we all believe that everything in life is possible. We can be astronauts and scientist and even presidents. We can be superheroes, and kings and princesses. If we believe in something when we were young, it is easy for us adults to believe that our dreams are still possible. 

Santa Claus lived through my parents, our parents, when we were young, and now it is our turn to be Santa Claus for the next generation. We need to help them build their belief in miracles. Because it is true, life is filled with miracles, big and small. Life is an amazing journey that everything is possible. 

I thank my parents for teaching me to believe in an ideal world where magic happens and miracles are parts of our daily life. Now that I am grown up, I am enlisting myself as part of the Santa Claus team bringing good cheer to children (an adults, too) everywhere. Someday, my children will be part of this team too for their own children. 

This is an early Christmas greeting, but may your life be filled with the magic of the holiday season all year through. Buenas dias.

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