Friday, November 30, 2012

Of Cores and Beliefs

I love animated films. It brings out the child in each one of us. I believe we all need to be like a child every once in a while, full of wonder and unwavering belief and filled with dreams.

Rise of the Guardians is a movie about finding your core, believing in yourself and finding the courage to face your fears. 

Rise of the Guardians - a must see!
It is easy to get lost in life if you do not know your core. It is what dictates your whole being. It is who you are despite and in spite of everything else. It is your center. Santa's core was wonder. Jack Frost's was fun. I thought to myself, what was mine? In silence, I learned, my core was inspiration. To inspire people and move them to live a lifetime of joy, excellence, abundance and purpose.

We all have a purpose in life. I read from somewhere that there are two important days in our lives: the first was when we were born and the second was when we finally learned the reason why we were born. Sadly though, in life, not everyone gets to fulfill their purpose. Jack Frost's purpose is to become a guardian but he had a hard time believing it. We are all destined to be great. We are alive because of a reason. Our goal is to find that reason and once we find out what it is, we believe.

Fear is a natural thing. I always tell people, if you've never been afraid, you are not human. But fear is a very tricky thing, it gets stronger the more you run away from it. The key is to accept that you are afraid but choosing to face it anyway. Courage is not the absence of fear but the realization that something is much more important than fear. Just like what Jamie said to Pitch in the movie: "I believe in you but I am not afraid of you."

It's amazing how a cartoon teaches us more about life than any other movies. Find time to watch the movie. It's incredible! 

Buenas dias!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Of Love and Success

"You are acting as if your heart is breakable when in reality your heart is made to endure a thousand heartaches." ~Ulyssess Paculaba

my notes in the training - "mindset"
Everything starts with mindset. We can all learn about the skills, about what to say or what to do, but without the proper mindset we can never get the results that we wanted.

During our Tuesday T3 - train the trainer's training, my mentor Pax Paculaba was discussing about context and the space we are coming from in everything that we do. Success comes not after you have mastered the skills, but rather, after you have shifted your mindset. 

Love does not come to single people not because they are unlovable or because no one is willing to love them. They are not in a relationship because they are focused more on the fear of being hurt than in the joy of being loved.

Success in business does not happen to people not because they are not smart enough or they are not good enough. They are not succeeding because they are focused more on the fear of failure than in the joy of helping more people succeed.

I learned a lot today. I realized that the results of my life depends mainly not on how I do things but on where I am coming from. What is my context? What space am I coming from?

Here is my stand. I am a space of belief and courage. A belief that everyone wants to succeed and that I am most willing to help them succeed. Courage, because even if I get hurt, I know that the price is always worth it - in both love and business.

Buenas dias!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Of Vehicles and Destinations

I was on my way to my usual Monday business training in Makati and I suddenly realized something. Traffic wasn't as heavy that day but during a traffic light stop I had a few moments to watch most of the people on the road. Some on commute, others driving their cars and some chose to walk. We are all heading some place, to work or home or for me, a training. It dawned on me that life and success is as simple as this road we are all traveling. We all have our own destination in mind, and the choices we make determines if we will get there or not.

my training look: off shoulder blouse, fitted grey pants
Everyone is going somewhere, but is it where we really want to go? Some people are lucky enough to actually love going to work. But most people, dream of going on a vacation somewhere rather than spend 8 or 10 hours in a cubicle at work. Others are excited to come home to their family while more people come home to an apartment alone. 

the "fountain of youth" logo of Nu Skin
Our destination, I believe are the same. We all want happiness. Whether than happiness comes from having time with your family, or being successful, or having enough money, a big house, a car, a chance to travel, the ability to help other people or give to charity or support your church or whatever. At the end of the day, we all want to be happier. The destination is the same, the difference in our lives depends on the vehicle we chose to ride: are you riding a jeepney on commute (doing what everybody is doing), walking (watching while somebody else is doing something), driving your own Kia (trying something on your own) or riding a Ferrari (doing something out of the box). Nothing is really wrong with the vehicles that we choose, the question is how fast will we get to our destination? Or, should we ask, with what we are currently doing, will we really get there?

It is during these moments that I am thankful for Nu Skin, my Ferrari, the vehicle that I chose to ride. I know I'll get to my dreams faster and surer.

Choose your vehicle well. Buenas dias!

Monday, November 26, 2012

In Gifts of Friendship

Going out with friends just because I want to, is life's sweetest blessings.

Have you ever experienced having friends whom you always want to spend your time with, that even if you've been together for the whole day and the whole night, you still want to hang out with each other?

dinner at Classic Cuisine (C2) at Greenhills
There is a saying that friends who enter business together may possibly end in turmoil, but people who starts business together ends up as friends. I am lucky to have met these people first, as business partners, and now I can say, they have been my greatest friends.

trip mode - watched the COD (Christmas on Display) show
did it look like we rented the whole place?
my buddy, Kris Ramirez
great friends: Kris and Patricia
Trust brings people together. I remember someone telling me that he has a lot of friends, as long as money is never involved. I realized that it's really easy to be close to someone and have them as friends, but when the issue of money comes in the picture, everything changes. Nobody is perfect of course, but the one thing I learned being in business is that, success is life and business is built upon relationships. If you have an amazing relationship with your clients and business partners, everything just seems easier. I respect my friends because they are professional and trustworthy, but most of all, I know how passionate and sincere they are in helping other people, including me, succeed as well.

denim top, leather knitted belt & black shorts
denim is back, or so i want to believe! 
I am thankful that my friends support my big dreams and plans in life. They are one of my loudest cheerers, believing in my capacity even if my goals are weird (by standards of most people) or out of this world. On my end, I fully support them and sincerely wish them success and happiness.

May you have friends like mine: always supportive, never negative and filled with passion and big dreams like mine. Buenas dias!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Of Brides and Weddings

Bridal showers are indeed fun and memorable both for the bride and her girl friends.

I believe that marriage is a sacred thing. Weddings and everything about it makes the whole sacredness of marriage more wonderful. One of my best friend is getting married soon so we decided to give her a surprise bachelorette party. Thank God we have amazing friends who went along with the surprise. The groom was amazing to play along with it.
My organizer look: orange ploshirt, white leather belt and black slacks
The girls: (L-R) top: Hariett, Kris, Anne, Berna and me; bottom: Maine, Dyan, the bride, Ms. Gina and Mafe

Overflowing food, chocolates, super fun games, DIY gifts and lots of stories shared made the whole night memorable and amazing! These were one of those moments where you'd smile once remembered even if it has been years past.

the happy bride: Patricia Robles
The artistic Ninang: Ms. Gina Paculaba
with Maine and Monica
with Mafe and the bride
the bride with Berna and Dyan
CW: gift from Monica, DIY shirt, jugno's 24" pizza & scrapbook
with the beautiful bride

Nothing beats girl power. I am so happy that everyone enjoyed the party. I just love organizing events with friends. Another successful party on my list. Thanks for coming girls!

Of Time and Money

Everyday is another chance to learn.

I attended a Fly-in event today with our trainor and mentor from Malaysia, Chong Wai Hong. I learned a lot today and if I will summarize everything that he taught us, it would be: "The question is not about having to choose what kind of life you want to live, but rather the question of, do you have the ability to live that way."

Yes, we can all choose to have both time and money. We all have big dreams. Sadly, not everyone can live and enjoy having the freedom to do whatever you want to do without worrying about the time and the money needed. Freedom is a gift. It starts with a choice.

My look: Pinstriped jacket by G2000, black silk long sleeve blouse, white leather belt and black slacks

i love a touch of white on an all black suit
Wai Hong used to work as a Chartered Accountant, a CFO of one of the top 4 companies of Malaysia and a CEO of a Multinational company. He gave it all up to do the Nu Skin business. Why? Because he wants to be free.

the guest speaker from Malaysia, Chong Wai Hong
If you choose freedom, the more you can secure a better life. The more you choose security, the less secure life will be. 

Success is never measured by positions or titles. It is only partly measured by the amount of money you earn or how much you have traveled. Success is measured by how much time you were able to spend with the people you love, or the time you spend doing what you really love. Success is measured by happiness, by how many people you have helped and by having the ability to provide for you family everything that they need.

Success is never a choice between "staying in the Philippines but not having enough" or "going abroad to earn more just so you can provide for your loved ones". Success is about being with your family and having the capacity to give them the kind of life that they deserve. This is the choice and ability that the Nu Skin opportunity has given me. With that, I will forever be thankful.

inspiring people: millionaire members

my mentors: Pax and Gina Paculaba

my great friends (L-R): pearl, me, raphael, patricia, lucci, ryan, dyan, kris and Ms. Gina

with my buddy, Kris Ramirez

my good friend, Mafe Pastorfide

my beautiful friend, May Vicente

my idol, Pearl Pilpil
Choose to learn whenever possible. Choose to fight for your dreams. Choose to live your life the way you have always wanted to. Life is about choices. Of choosing to have both time and money freedom.

I choose to live my life to the fullest because I know I deserve it. I believe that you deserve it too.

Buenas Dias!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Of Blessings and Gratitude

Everyday is reason enough to be grateful. Life is truly amazing. If you cannot see the wonder and greatness of the world around you each and every minute of your life, then you are not opening your eyes.

I like celebrating Thanksgiving Day. And it is not just because of the turkey or the family dinner, but rather, I like the thought that we are reminded to give thanks. Because in honesty, we all have a lot of reasons to be thankful for. If we really look at our lives, despite the challenges and the problems and the heartaches, we are all still blessed.

I look at my life and I am amzed how God never ceases to bless me. Yes, I have been through a lot of things this year. I lost my dear grandmother, business was a bit slow, some things got out of hand and well, it was never a walk in the park. I made a lot of mistakes, was frustrated a lot of times and failed more times than I could ever hope for. But through it all, I came out strong and I am still fighting. We become who we need to be because of what happens to us.

A wise person once told me, it is not in what happens to us that determines our future, it is in how we react to what happens to us that dictates where we are going. I agree. We need to go through everything in our life because we need to grow and develop to be the kind of person we wanted to be.

I have an amazing life and my dreams are within reach. I am not there yet but I will be very soon. With that, I can never be thankful enough.

Here is to our wonderful life. Buenas dias!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Of Mindset and Skills

If we cannot do something about a problem, then it should not be a problem. If we can do something about a problem, then it stops being a problem.

My success look: striped long sleeve top, black leather belt and black slacks
No matter how much you learn the skills that you need to succeed, if you do not believe that you can succeed, it will never happen.

My team & system: Lead Global and SYSTEM 7 SUCCESS
 The journey to success is never a lonely road. Behind every successful person is a group of people supporting him or her. I am forever thankful for my team. Lead Global and Team Velocity continues to help me become a better leader.

I don't think I will ever thank you enough my mentors in my business, Pax and Gina Paculaba. They have been my guide and my constant reminder that everything worth having deserves time and effort.
Working on earning my first million dollars...
Mindset. Heartset. Skillset. They must all come together for one to be successful.

I am excited for my success because I know that I am on the right track. I hope you are, too. Buenas dias!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Of Dreams and Success

I am attending a regular training every Monday for my business. It is a great way to start my week since I am learning from amazing people.

My success outfit: polkadot blouse, white belt, black slacks
I have always believed that if you want to be successful, you have to learn from successful people. If you want to learn about business, you have to learn from business people.

I have the privileged to learn from leaders and successful people. My business mentors Ulysses and Gina Paculaba, have been generous enough to train people who wants to succeed as long as you are willing to do whatever it takes. 

My Goal: Team Elite
We all have big dreams. Most often though, we let situations and people get in the way of us making our dreams happen. We let life lead us that we often forget our dreams in the process. I am grateful that I am always reminded of my dreams every Monday. Everyone needs a reminder like that.

Opportunities are presented to us each and every day. Be open. Take risks. Grab the chance to be happier.

My dream for you is that you give your dreams a fighting chance. You deserve it, we all do.

Buenas Dias!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Of Music and Musicians

I have been blessed to be surrounded by talented people. Today was the rehearsal of my best friend Patricia Robles' wedding. It is just amazing that we have in our reach, some of the most gifted people in music.

My look for the day: Plaid top, buckled belt and khaki shorts

L-R (clockwise): keyboard, guitar, music sheet & ipod

Charmaine Loise Clamor and Cyrene Chube on vocals, Kris Ramirez on Piano and Carlo Juan on both guitar and vocal. The bride and groom, Patricia and Raphael would be singing as well. Collaboration is one of the most amazing concepts ever invented. It brings out the best in everyone.

relaxed look, time to have fun with friends!

The guitarist, Carlo Juan

The groom, Raphael Mercado

It is amazing when you are working with professionals. The amount of energy and work that they put into what they do is just admirable. When Charmaine sings, it's like the whole world goes on slow motion and she becomes the center of it all. When Cyrene sings, it puts a smile on your face and joy in your heart without you knowing. When Katie plays, the keyboard comes to life and its music touches your soul. As with Carlo, he can play the guitar in such precision that you'd wonder if the sound is coming from just a guitar. They are an ensemble of talented artists.

Whenever they start singing and playing music, my world would stop and I am transported to another world where music would tell a story of love and faith and happiness. I am so excited to hear them on Patricia's wedding day.

The singer, Charmaine Loise Clamor

The singer, Cyrene Chube

The pianist, Kris Ramirez

The mass commentator, Mafe Pastorfide

The bride, Patricia Robles
Music is such an amazing thing. It is a great way to express how you feel. It is a message that is both expressed and understood by the heart.

May your life be blessed with good music and wonderful friends. Buenas dias!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

In Celebration of Friendship

There is nothing more special than a wonderful friend to spend the day with. It was an ordinary day made perfect.

caren kate cu
with my best buddy, Kris Ramirez
Friendship is an amazing thing. It is a blessing. I pray that each and everyone can experience friendship the way that I have.
There really was no special occasion that day. But I guess, when you are with a friend, things just unfold and before you know it, something dull becomes extraordinary.

caren kate cu
Bowling: Kris (in action) and me
caren kate cu
Billiards: Kris (in action) and me
To laugh like nothing else matters, to talk like there's no tomorrow and not having to speak but is easily understood. That is the gift of friendship.

caren kate cu
my bowling outfit: black shirt with slimfit jeans
caren kate cu
my accessory for the day: grey jacket by G2000, black oriental sash belt and a silver chain bracelet
to end the day we watched the movie: Skyfall 007
Friends don't need to be perfectly like each other. I think the beauty of friendship lies in acknowledging your differences and celebrating what you have in common. It is accepting the other person for who she is and being accepted for you you are, but in the process helping each other grow to become a much better person. There may be arguments and we may get hurt, but friends know that at the end of the day, their friendship is still much more important.

caren kate cu
from L-R: (upper) bowling lane, score - buddy won!; (bottom) movie tickets, lemon cola
Here is a toast to friendship and I hope that you are as grateful with your friends as I am with mine. Buenas dias!