Friday, November 30, 2012

Of Cores and Beliefs

I love animated films. It brings out the child in each one of us. I believe we all need to be like a child every once in a while, full of wonder and unwavering belief and filled with dreams.

Rise of the Guardians is a movie about finding your core, believing in yourself and finding the courage to face your fears. 

Rise of the Guardians - a must see!
It is easy to get lost in life if you do not know your core. It is what dictates your whole being. It is who you are despite and in spite of everything else. It is your center. Santa's core was wonder. Jack Frost's was fun. I thought to myself, what was mine? In silence, I learned, my core was inspiration. To inspire people and move them to live a lifetime of joy, excellence, abundance and purpose.

We all have a purpose in life. I read from somewhere that there are two important days in our lives: the first was when we were born and the second was when we finally learned the reason why we were born. Sadly though, in life, not everyone gets to fulfill their purpose. Jack Frost's purpose is to become a guardian but he had a hard time believing it. We are all destined to be great. We are alive because of a reason. Our goal is to find that reason and once we find out what it is, we believe.

Fear is a natural thing. I always tell people, if you've never been afraid, you are not human. But fear is a very tricky thing, it gets stronger the more you run away from it. The key is to accept that you are afraid but choosing to face it anyway. Courage is not the absence of fear but the realization that something is much more important than fear. Just like what Jamie said to Pitch in the movie: "I believe in you but I am not afraid of you."

It's amazing how a cartoon teaches us more about life than any other movies. Find time to watch the movie. It's incredible! 

Buenas dias!

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